Boot 0A.02 to 07.D0 Downgrader for Protected E1 ROKR Compiled by Random Thanks to: Vilko for the Dualboot hobbit19 for the idea and tesing Requirements: 1) Original E1 ROKR with 0A.02 bootloader. 2) Flash&Backup (Other flashers may fail at Step #2) How to use: 1) Backup your data because it will be lost after downgrading the boot. 2) Flash the "BOOT_0A02_to_07D0_step1" After this step the phone will boot only in special boot mode until you will finish the downgrade process or restore backup. 3) Flash the "BOOT_0A02_to_07D0_step2" using Flash&Backup. 4) Now you can flash any Monsterpacks designed for E398@E1 Phone will start in normal mode and even "iTunes" key will work properly. Additional features: A) You can use only the Step#2 if you want to downgrade boot 08.28 B) If you have removed RSA verification using new method and do not want to downgrade the boot, you can flash CG7 and CG18 from Step#1 to add the dualboot to your phone. This will make possible reading/writing PDS in Flash&Backup using Generic Profile Download Upgrade Pack