Saturday, 22 November 2008 |

I want to share my MP only for mod
1. Description iSlam MP :
This MP is for E398/E1 iTunes ROKR with BL 07.D0
Firmware : r373_gun2gs_.49r based on R373_G_0E.30.49R motolovers Flex : iSlam MobilePhone based on SE7007AXXU107A DSP : 6252A000 Technology : Quad-Band GSM GT/PT : iSlam MP SysSound : StarterXP Themes : Bismillah, Laila, Allah, Muhammad Skin : - iSlam (iMoto) based from Skin original edited by Gun2GS - iSlamXP based from skin MobileXP only change wallpaper. Thanks to unknown for this skin maker - iSlamPhone based from skin iPhoneMoto only change wallpaper. Thanks to unknown for this skin maker - iSlamWalkman based from skin iWalkman only change wallpaper. Thanks to unknown for this skin maker Java : - iSlamWMP iTunes corelet based from iTunesVassioMV and AeroWMP mixed. Thanks to unknown for this iTunes maker and Montox - mShalat - Prayer Times - terjemah alquran Language : 002E English 6 fonts with Amazing Ultimate Default English, Bhs. Indonesia, Turkish, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic. Thanks to Zh@ng-L14ng™ Font : - Trebuchet MS - Nokia Sans - Haettenschweiler - Impact DRM : iSlam (iMoto) based from DRM 101 original edited by Gun2GS
Patch Firmware (CG1) : - Abolish Alarm OFF from list - Abolish control by illumination Java - Access main menu everywhere - Access to seem 004a from corelets - Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾ - Alarm 5m - Auto delivery report sms 1.18 - Autokeypad lock - Autostart Java from DateBook - Blacklist - Bluetooth up to 5 minutes - Camera button 1x camera 2x videocam - Cancelation check signature java - Change display timeout activity - Change keypad lock unlock (undo) - Change menu opcode - Change menu sound,pic,video (undo) - Change rapid ringstyle - Change simbols order - Change zoom - Clock on SS - Complete access to the file (Java,BT,OBEX) - Date format - Failure MCMR (undo) - Flashlight shortcut *+* - Java black background - Java full access patch - Java killer - Java with the cable works - Keysound - MP3 bitrate up to 320kb - No del call on sim change - No sound volume 1.01 - Pseudo Playlist 5.0 - Quick access sound & picture (now only in main desktop) - Reboot on Chat (undo) - Reflect corelet in the list java - Removal limitation system file - Removal unnecessary TF folder - Remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms - Send SMS on Phonebook leftsoftkey (undo) - Set default Rsoft in web sessions (undo) - Store foto without menu (undo) - Time and Name in the list of the alarm clocks - Unlock all seem
Thanks to : - Allah Swt - Muhammad Saw - All members forum motolovers - All members forum motohell - HP Motorola E398 - PC Computer WindowsXP - Software Flash&Backup By Random - Software P2K Tools and other software support to modif this MP - Google and other website for search engine to download and upload files.
Notes : - Phone Unlock Code : 1234 - Phone Security Code : 000000 - To Delete, Move, Copy, or Assign to Categories for files on Sounds, Pictures, and Videos... you have to Mark the file first with press "0" button - If the iTunes doesn't load correctly, please delete iTunes folder on TF. - Copy the Elf folder (incl. in package) onto your TF for running ELF.
By :
Gun2GS | GunGun Gunawan Sunandriana
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