Download of the Monster Pack itself - look down
Hate It or Flash It! ( v5.0 the last one & the best one)
I proudly present you the FASTEST MP at the moment, it’s insanely fast… you will be amazed with the speed!
Speed is what I need ? I hope you will like Design too… I put a lot of efforts into designing it!
Software:- S/W : R373_G_0E.30.49R (based on stable elektro 0.3mod because 0.4alpha4 mod is not stable)
- Flex: Revolution Grand Finale (R373_G_0E.30.48R_GSKKLG0T675AU0A3_ROKR)
- DSP : 6242A200
- Technology: Quad Band GSM
Space:- Total Space: ~9MB, Used Space: ~8.8MB, Free Space: ~0.2MB
(delete application, skins & multimedia that you don’t like to free up space)

Language Pack:-R373_Eng_Lithu_BrPort_Esp_Russ_Serb-By_Blink,BGX&Zolookas
(Lithuanian & Serbian fully translated + wonderful font from Blink_)
DRM:-RGF DRM (based on Aero Vista & iPhone.. edit & some redesign by me & IvanX)
Optimized in MotoSpeed 1.1 for the best & fastest user experience!
Corelets: -Vassio iTunes with 4.42_BETA2 MOD by Poer on iRevolution skin designed by me
-Media Viewer by Valleo with alot of plugins on iPhone skin designed by IvanX
(read FAQ in bottom of page for more info how to switch between corelets)

Skins -0_iPhoneMoto by Woody
-FF7AC by Zra
-darklime by Fearsim
-Heaven by Me
-Shuffle by Woody & Me
(all audio players for every skin design by me, walls & re-edited itunes hide mode)

Features:I modded it till max it's fast as hell with all usefull futures activated
+when you receiving audio file you can pres 0+# to access sounds & play new temporary audio file
+ you can receive all types of files, they are stored in Video folder with different icons for each type of file
+feel free to switch sim cards, to restart phone & you will not loose recent calls list & msgs
+voice shorcuts
+Unlimited Dictaphone
+you can Volume Up/down videos/sounds in multimeda.. & volume up/down tone is disabled
+in msg outbox rightsoft button changed to details
+loader text is changed from SW upgrade in progres… to REVOLUTION in progress..
+60 dialed/received calls
+store up to 178 messages
+ camera quality is improved with patch for Better photos (olympus quantization table)
+Blacklist (block undesired numbers that calls you, read FAQ on bottom page for more info)
+date wil be always shown even if you using GPRS
+no confirmation on delete
+video recording in *.mp4 format
+ USB_flash_drive_speedup video (read FAQ for more info)
+ Restart phone option in tools
+Roam calls are using default ringtone from your ringstyle
+backgrounds in default audio player (walls are inside skins folders)
+switch to next track in audio player (sounds options Times: Meter to skip next track, Elapsed time to skip to previous track)
+if your battery wasn’t good on previous MP’s, don’t trick yourself,go to shop & buy yourself a new battery… ?
+sms delievery reports (you can turn it on in message options & it will stay on, try it few times if u have problems)
+no limits for playing mp3 files
+many others usefull patches! (read PATCHES: for more informations)Gain_Table:- Sysmasters Techno version GT
RGF systemsounds:-no more borring default systemsounds when charging battery, connecting phone etc…
Startup&Shutdown anim&sound:- I done my best to make RGF customs
Multimedia-wallpapers (21wps & new ems smiles)
-sounds (16mp3s RGF based & 1 .midi) thanks Aircraft800 & his wife for voices

-video (USB_flash_drive_speedup)
Javas:Clock, Converter, FastMail, Gmail, GP editer, Irecorder, iTuens, jMirc, MatraxBench, MediaViewer, Mig33, MP3 tools, NoteXP, Opera mini 4, Read Maniac, Students calculator2, Synerj tools 49R,
1x camera button it opens camera, press
2x it opens video camera
Menu +
# changing style warning to the style of "Loud"
Menu +
0 to access opcode menu
Menu +
Menu : go back to Main Menu from everywhere
0 +
# quick access to "Sound"
0 +
* quick access to "Pictures"
# +
* Java-killer (it ends all running applications including corelets)
# flashlight
Smart key, Voice key, Voice Commands, Itunes Lights:-
Button at left side is set as Voice Key.. so you can use it for Voice Dial, Voice Recording & Voice Command
Make some shortcut .. go to tools/shortcuts/ edit that shortcut you will see new Voice Shortcut future... edit it .. than you can run voice command pressing Menu + Voice key button
-Camera key at Right side is set to Smart key & as camera..
So when you are in iTunes Hide mode.. if you press camera.. you will get iTunes Light show
note* you can't edit smart key in settings/personalize/home screen/smart key/ ... because it's set Like I told & it's working fine with iTunes lights..
-T-mobile button is set as iTunes (good for people who have that button)
Patches:Access sounds by pressing 0+# and pictures by pressing 0+*
Added change ringstyle shortcut (Menu+#)
Added java killer (press #+* to kill java (including corelets))
Added new symbols to type
Background in default music player
Better photos (Olympus quantization table)
Bluetooth availability time - 3 minutes
Camera button, press 1x camera 2x videocam
Change display activity (20 sc, 40 sc, 1 minute, 2 minutes)
Change menu opcode shortcut to Menu + 0
Change symbols order when entering text
Changed menu order in sounds, video and video camera
Complete access to the phone file system (java, bluetooth, OBEX)
Corelet seem 4a access
Corelets are shown in java list
Do not delete calls when changing sim card
Don't check java signatures
Fifth group (black list)
Increase number of autoredial attempts
Java black loading background
Java full access patch
Java with cable works
Left soft key - send in phonebook
Listen to Temporary audio
MMS limit - 300kB
Name and time in the alarm clocks list
New keypadlock patch (allows you check imei). Big thanks to EOG from motohell!
No busy audio channels when battery low
No MP3 bitrate limit
No vibe and sound when changing volume
Play next track instead of repeat
Reboot instead of chat
Remove java protection
Remove P2K Write-protect from all locked seems
Remove system files limitations
RGF sytemsounds
Send file through BT devided into 5 groups with icons
SMS delivery report patch 1.18
Store photos without menu
Unlimited Dictaphone
Zoom is changed to 250% and 200%
*patches folder is included with MP so if you don’t want some patch you can UNDO patches. Do it with flashbackup 2.62!
RGFsouljaz team members:
-BGXsoulja (team leader), Zolookas,IvanX,Lucazz,Woody,
Fearsim,Zra,Aircraft800 & his wife,EXP,Sysmaster,Blink_,HacK_MasteR….
lso I want to thank EGO for his help, to beta testers & to thank elektro255 for mod, Valleo for MV, PoerHardware for mod of Vasios iTunes, & all patch makers, java makers! & Thank YOU for choosing this MP!-…… All others who directly or indirectly helped in this Revolution!note* -This is the v5.0 final version from popular Revolution series , it’s the last one the final one!
Revolution thread on have more than ~100.000 views, ~106 pages on motomodders & other popular forums, It’s has been established as most downloaded MP of all time. Revolution v3.0 had ~7.000 downloads for e398 & ~3.000 for ROKR just from one link on rapidshare.
so flash it & see what is it all about
-enjoy in this MP cause you will probably not so soon flash something like this.. I’m moving in new town to study & haven’t bought a notebook yet ?
Flashing*-Watch what are you flashing... download E398 MP for flashing E398 phone... download ROKR MP for flashing ROKR Phone... Don't make mistake ^^
-I Flashed successfully with MFF.. I recommend it with MFF...
but it shouldn't have problems with RSD LIte & Flashbackup
Official Website:
Esnips: rapidshare download:
E1_R373-49R_RGF_BGX Flex RGF FUN PACK (bonus skins, multimedia, javas & cool stuffs)
Langpack DRM Patches Skinse398/ROKR bible:FAQ: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: (read it!)*How to switch between iTunes & MediaViewer?to switch between corelets:
1. UNLOAD active one
a) if it’s iTunes, than open i & press „0“ button & it will UNLOAD
b) if it’s MediaViewer open it & press menu button go to Mediaviewer options & choose UNLOAD Mediaviewer
2. Go to javas click to iTunes or MV (depends what you want to open)
3. Wait few seconds & press RED button to close it
4. Now go to Multimedia & click on iTunes/MV icon & wait few seconds untill it loads!
*How to use this Blacklist thing?Okay if you receive phone calls from somebody you don’t want you can BLOCK HIM!
how to do that?
1. Add that annoying number to your phonebook & assign it to 5th category called „Blacklist“
(it’s in the end of categories e.g. familly, busines, vip etc..)
2. Go to Securitu/Restrict calls
3. Enter unlock code: 1234
4. Incoming Calls/Allow: Phonebook
that’s it! (only annoying thing will be when you access phonebook it asks you for enter unlock code)
also you can Alow: NONE so nobody can’t call you ?
*Why I need this USB video in my videos?There's one video, which is used to make faster connection in memory card mode. Before connecting phone, open that video and pause it. Now you can connect your phone... Speed should increase from ~150Kb/s to 280-320Kb/s.
*Help My iTunes doesn't working... where are my songs?
-you screwed up your iTunesDB...
now iTunes reading songs from B/mobile/audio/ ...
if you want to sync with iTunes PC...
you need to delete your iTunes folder from trans-flash .. /b/iTunes/
than you can start all over again...
*I can only enter numbers in GPRS APN.. why?-GPRS APN bug is caused because DRM..
you can solve it:
a) flashing new DRM
b) enter manually GPRS APN with p2ktools or p2kadvanced editor
c) restore your web sessions
IF you have GPRS apn bug than your wap is going to work perfectly...
if you don't have GPRS apn bug, then on some phones wap will not work
Ohh I almost forgot here you are screenshot from Matraxbench test:

On the end thank you for reading this long 8 pages usefull description! Hope you will enjoy in this freeware project that tooken alot of time & modders to been made!