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MotoLovers 03
Tuesday, 02 October 2007

FW: R373_G_0E.30.46R & 49R (based on original firmware)
FX: Motolovers03 (based on flex GCKKGLO900SPLA0A3)
DSP: 6252A000
GT/PT : GTkoe
DRM: Speed up to 50-75%
Net: Quad-band
SysSound: StarterXP
Language: 002E English 6 fonts
Font: Verdana, Theramin Gothic, Symbol, Papyrus, Bradley, Agency

Skins: Motolovers, Motolovers Ultimate, AquaG, MotoVista, (mma_ucp replaced DRM icons, no more edit softkeys)

Patch CG1 46R:
- Abolish control by illumination Java
- Abolish the off alarm clock in the list
- Access main menu everywhere
- Access to seem 004a from corelets
- Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
- Alarm 5m
- Autokeypadlock patch
- Autostart Java from DateBook
- BT time 5 min
- Camera button 1x camera 2x videocam
- Cancelation check signature java
- Change display timeout activity
- Change keypad lock unlock
- Change menu opcode
- Change menu sound,pic,video
- Change ringstyle
- Change simbols order
- Change zoom
- Complete access to the file (Java,BT,OBEX)
- Date format
- Failure MCMR
- Flashlight shortcut
- Java full access patch
- Java killer
- Java with the cable works
- Keysound
- MP3 bitrate up to 320kb
- Name and time in the list of the alarm clocks
- No del call on sim change
- No sound volume (add for changing Alarm volume)
- Quick access sound & picture (now only when in main desktop)
- Reboot on Chat
- Reflect corelets in the list of java
- Removal limitation system file
- Removal unnecessary TF folder
- Remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms
- Send SMS on Phonebook leftsoftkey
- "Set Default" Right Softkey in Websessions
- Store foto without menu
- Unlock all seems

Patch CG1 49R:
- Abolish Alarm OFF from list
- Abolish control by illumination Java
- Access main menu everywhere
- Access to seem 004a from corelets
- Add new simbol ± ² ³ ½ ¼ ¾
- Alarm 5m
- Auto delivery report sms 1.18
- Autokeypad lock
- Autostart Java from DateBook
- Blacklist
- Bluetooth up to 5 minutes
- Camera button 1x camera 2x videocam
- Cancelation check signature java
- Change display timeout activity
- Change keypad lock unlock
- Change menu opcode
- Change menu sound,pic,video
- Change rapid ringstyle
- Change simbols order
- Change zoom
- Clock on SS
- Complete access to the file (Java,BT,OBEX)
- Date format
- Failure MCMR
- Flashlight shortcut
- Java black background
- Java full access patch
- Java killer
- Java with the cable works
- Keysound
- MP3 bitrate up to 320kb
- No del call on sim change
- No sound volume 1.01
- Pseudo Playlist 5.0
- Quick access sound & picture (now only in main desktop)
- Reboot on Chat
- Reflect corelet in the list java
- Removal limitation system file
- Removal unnecessary TF folder
- Remove ID the melody of subscriber from sms
- Send SMS on Phonebook leftsoftkey
- Set default Rsoft in web sessions
- Store foto without menu
- Time and Name in the list of the alarm clocks
- Unlock all seem

- Call Register max 50 number
- Message Status displayed on Outbox message
- Playing Java without interupt incoming message
- MMS Templates included
- File list in Sound, Picture, Video is sort in alphabetical order

Shortcuts keys:
- Menu + Menu : back to Main Menu
- Menu + Red : lock keys
- Menu + Green : unlock keys
- Menu + * : change ringstyle
- Menu + 0 : opcode
- * + *      : flashlight
- 0 + *      : Pictures
- 0 + #      : Sounds
- # + *      : turn off all java including corelets
- Camera button : 1x to Picture Cam, 2x to Video Cam

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 02 October 2007 )
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