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MotoMusiQ 1.0
Friday, 30 March 2007


So as BG said once,it all begins here- MotoMusiQ v1.0

This is my first MP (Hope to release more in future  and I have done only a little myself for this one.This is my phone's backup rather than calling an MP by me.If u guys like it,I'll try my own creativity during this summer vacation. I have just put some nice skins with the consent of the authors.
The DRM used is an edited one from Antrix's Enlightenment Mp and the langpack from Rev 4 by BG.
There is a big difference in the MP as told from earlier that this is going to be Elektro mod v0.3 46R firmware..I know most of us prefer 46R than 49R. So I made that change..

Here's whats inside

S/W version : R373_G_0E_30.46R

Flex Version: MotoMusiQ

DSP S/W version:623BAB00

Language list: 002E


Skins:      Atlantics  (Animated 3*4)

            Blu Mac  (1*1)

            Lazer  (Animated 1*1)

            Mvista  (3*4)
            Black Fantasy (Animated 3*4)

Other features:

        - Dual Corelet: iTunes revolution by Pizzadox619(menu+44) and Media Viewer (menu+66)

    - Speedier menu by edit on DRM

    - Keypad lock     Menu + Menu
                 unlock   Menu + *

        - 15 good mp3s including some cool Indian tones..And there is a special one- the atc_teenbuzz.mp3 which cannot be heard by adults..!

        - iTunes Hide Mode Animation

        - Dual bootscreen with a nice bootscreen by me ( Red and then green button)

        - *# gives flashlight(## is avoided cos its difficult while browsing and also while typing)

        - There are many gain tables to choose from.. You can change the gain table using the file changer plugin of the MV..

All famous gain tables are included..

Java app: Only FILE CHANGER and SYNERJ.. I'm sure all the remaining games & apps will be on your Trans,Also there are some very good plugins with the MV.  If you want apps,please save them using motomidman before flashing or move them to your trans.


Use FB 2.62 to flash..(provided with the MP)

There is only a little free space (400 kb) coz this is a heavily modded MP with 5 good skins,dual corelet,15 mp3s etc.. You can customize it if you want freespace

Download HERE

And now,here are the screenshots:
Motorola E398
* click on the image in order to enlarge it

Last Updated ( Sunday, 22 April 2007 )
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