THE PACKAGE: Based on: Moto iPhone 46RMix elektro255_mod_0.3_49r
1. The firmware R373_G_0E.30.49R
2. Flashbackup 2.62 or Hight
3. Auto Lock KeyPadSome more stuff:
- ## -for flashlight
-you can type *5 anytime in the home screen
1. Firmware: iPhone Plus Ani_Wall
2. DSP: 623BAB00
3. Gaintable: Digital 3D V2
4. Quad-Band
5. iPhone Language 0021 (By Bogbag)Space: Free Space: ~1.9MB
iPhone&Ferrari Media Viewer 1.0 English Fix (Non Auto Sidebar)
5 Special Animation Wallpaper Skins Mod By Me 1.Laser
3.iWalkMan (Thank modcumram )
Java Applications
- JZipMan
- GP Editor
- JBenchmark2
- MiniCommander
- Mobile GMaps
- Motorola mTunes
- Opera Mini V.3
- AoundMachine
- Synerj
- Synerj_tools
- WinMobile
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**[MP] iPhone Plus (Animation Wall 49R) **
iPhone&Ferrari Media Viewer 1.0 New..

Screen Shot iPhone Plus 49R (Animation Wall)

* Click on the image to enlarge