StarterVista by darknesswizard530160 |
Wednesday, 13 December 2006 |
Software: - S/W : R373_G_0E.30.49R - Flex:Starter Vista - DSP : 623BAB00 - Technology:Quad-Band GSM
Space: -Total Space-8.1MB -Used Space-2.6MB -Free Space-5.4MB
Media: -4 Sounds -15 Vista Wallpapers -0 Videos
Language Pack: - Small Font by Jordan 002E
Skins: -Aero Vista -Vista Explorer
DRM: -Vista DRM
iTunes Music Player: -MediaViewer and Phone Manager Plugin -Unlimited Song Capacity -Light Show in Hide Mode when Camera Button is Pressed
Gain Table: -Ultra Sound by Sysmaster
Java Apps: -GT Editer -Opera Mini -FileChanger -JBenchmark2 -Phone Manager -Mini Commander
Start Up and Shut Down: -Vista Startup and Powerdown sounds  * the images are not looping. Save them to your desktop to see the animation
Download version for Motorola E398 HERECredits: IvanChe(Without him,this MP would not have been like this!) tvIse(VistaExplorer Skin) farsh_cannabis(Aero Vista skin and iTunes) Sysmaster(Gaintable)
Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 April 2007 )