Tuesday, 21 November 2006 |
Lytes' 49R MP 
Based from Bodyguard's 2Pac Revolution MP (Great MP Man, I salute you!) Flex Version: 2Pac Revolution Technology: Quad Band S/W Version: R373_G_0E.30.49R DSP S/W Version: 623BAB00 Language List: 002E Free: 6165kb Used: 3258kb Total: 9415kb 
24 mp3 alert and ring tones
1 skin: LinerAqua with full screen preview iTunes by Vassio 
Simpsons' fonts extracted from Another MP (thnx man whoever you are)
Download HEREThis MP has been fully customized just like what every e398 owner wants. You can delete anything you dont like and you can upload anything you like via P2kTools. That's the essence of the bigger free memory of this MP - just so you can upload much more to your e398.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 18 March 2007 )