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Media Viewer Corelet 1.0
Monday, 26 February 2007

Now a real working great alternative of iTunes. Much smaller, much faster and much cooler. It does not need DB and additional software - it can play folders directly. It can show pictures in full screen and it have file manager.

There is additional support for plugins (check out the other posts in the Corelets menu). The Media Viewer by Valleo is definetly the program that is a must for Motorola E398 and ROKR E1!

Download HERE

P.S. It is not actually alternative - it just beats iTunes from all sides

And here are some basic instructions from the author (Valleo):

joy up/down/left/right - move in FM
joy ress - choice
menu button - fire MV menu

"7" - check for cut, long press - check all files in folder for cut
"9" - check for copy, long press - check all files in folder for copy

Is player OFF - check audio for playlist, long press - check all audio files in folder for playlist
if you check one or all audio files in folder, and don't move from this folder - next long press of "#" will fire MVPlayer with playlist
Is player ON - show/hide player

"*" - long press - goto root
smart-key - fire bookmarks

If player is OFF - shutdown MV
If player is ON - hide MV to background and show player

joy left/right - prev/next song:
if you play playlist or folder - audio will be select from this list
else if you play one file and you don't move from folder with this song - audio will select from this folder

if player is hide-mode (NOT background):
up - pause/play
down - hide player (or "#")

if player in full-screen mode:
up/down - move into playlist
joy press - select song for play
Also for skinners SkinData.mvs:
ffffff // BG color
000000 // Font color
ffffff // Selected font color
68 // Top view of Player picture (in smallview mode)
4;4 // X and Y coordinate ic_pl_*.png
68;108;4 // X, Width, Y area of "Artist"
68;108;24 // X, Width, Y area of "Song"
68;108;44 // X, Width, Y area of "Time/Volume"
4;60;4 // X, Width, Y area of "Song count"
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 28 February 2007 )
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