Friday, 14 July 2006 |
I'm a newbie but I want to share my own MP creation. - Name: Abatasya-48R
- SW version: R373_G_0E.30.48R
- DRM: Standard
- Language: Indonesia and English (no iTap)
- Skin: AbaXP, a little modification from WinXP (wallpaper only).
- Websession: All Indonesian GSM operators
Memory: - Total: 8347 Kb
- Used: 2697 Kb
- Free: 5650 Kb
Java Applications (all free): Screen shot: - Bootscreen
- Main screen
- Main menu

Note: Please use Random's FlashBackup 2.62 to flash this MP as MFF will give you error although it still succeed. For further information can be found here (in bahasa Indonesia only, sorry).
Download HERE
Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 August 2006 )