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P2KApi 2.9
Thursday, 29 March 2007

Dynamically linked library for Motorola P2K phones
Copyright Vilko :)

Download HERE


P2K_SendCMD (DWORD Cmd, void* SendBuff, DWORD SendSize, void* RecvBuff,
DWORD* RecvSize);
this function only for advanced users

File_ListEx(ptr Buffer, dword Count,ProgressFuncPtr)
First parameter as in File_List
ProgressFuncPtr - pointer to function:
void __stdcall TestFunc(FILELIST* fl, int CurIndex, int TotalCount)
fl - pointer to FILELIST structures File_listEx
CurIndex - index of last file name
TotalCount - count of records
void __stdcall TestFunc(FILELIST* fl, int CurIndex, int TotalCount)
  if (!TotalCount) return;
  float f = ((float)CurIndex/TotalCount) * 100;
  Log(clBlack,"p2kapi.GetFileListEx: completed %2.0f%% - %s",f,fl[CurIndex].FileName);
// somewhere, when we want to get filelist
int FileCount = p2k->GetFileCountEx("/a/*");
FILELIST *fl = new FILELIST[FileCount];


  Switch phone from AT mode to P2K
  if not called P2K_Init, it's will be called with StatusProc parameter
  (no return value)
  Switch phone from P2K mode to AT
  (no return value)

     Library initialization, phone status monitor starting.
     StatusProc - pointer to a procedure, that will be called on phone detect/disconect (or 0, if procedure call is not needing).
     Returns 0 on initialization success or 1 on failure.

     Library calls StatusProc procedure with one parameter:
     1 - if phone detected; 0 - if phone not detected.

     Restart a phone.

     Switch phone to suspended mode

     Gets connection status.
     Returns 0 if phone not found or 1 if phone found.

File_CreateDir(lpstr FileName, byte Attribute);
     Creates new directory

     lpstr DirName - pointer to string containing a directory name
     byte Attribute - new attribute for a created dir
       Attribute is combination of 3 bits:
       bit0 - readonly
       bit1 - hidden
       bit2 - system
     Returns always 0.

File_DeleteDir(lpstr DirName);
     Deleting a directory

     lpstr FileName - pointer to a string containing directory name

     Returns 0 if success or -1 on error.

File_Create(lpstr FileName, byte Attribute);
     Creates new or opens existing file

     lpstr FileName - pointer to string containing a file name (in case of nested filesystem - full path with directories)
     byte Attribute - new attribute for a created/opened file
       Attribute is combination of 3 bits:
       bit0 - readonly
       bit1 - hidden
       bit2 - system

     Phone not allows to open more than 1 file simultaneously.
     Returns 0 if opening was success or -1 on error.
     (advanced error codes - :) please wait for next version)

     Closes previously opened file.
     Returns 0 if closing was success or -1 on error.

File_Read(ptr Buffer, dword Size);
     Reading data from file.
     Reads data from BOF or from position, what was setted by File_SetPointer function.

     ptr Buffer - pointer to a buffer for receiving data from a file.
     dword Size - data size to read. Buffer size couldn't be less then this size.

     Returns 0 if reading was success or -1 on error.

File_Write(ptr Buffer, dword Size);
     Writing data to a file.
     Writes data from BOF or from position, what was setted by File_SetPointer function.

     ptr Buffer - pointer to a buffer containing data to write.
     dword Size - data size to write.

     Returns 0 if writing was success or -1 on error.

      ATTENTION! This function not checks a free space for writing.
      But phone needs for a some free space for temporary files created by phone.

File_SetPointer(dword Offset, byte MoveMethod);
     Set pointer to file reading/writing

     dword Offset - new position of pointer
     byte MoveMethod - pointer setting method:
      0 - offset from BOF
      1 - offset from current position of pointer
      2 - offset from EOF

     Returns 0 if success or -1 on error.

File_Delete(lpstr FileName);
     Deleting a file

     lpstr FileName - pointer to a string containing file name (in case of nested filesystem - full path with directories) to delete.

     Returns 0 if success or -1 on error.

File_VolInfo(ptr Buffer);
     Receiving an information about free space and volume name.

     ptr Buffer - pointer to a buffer for volume name receiving (must be >= 128 bytes)

     Returns free space size in bytes or -1 on error.

File_GetFreeSpace(lpstr disk)
     Receiving an information about free space     
     lpstr disk - name of idsk ("/c/")

File_CountEx(lpstr disk_and_mask);
     Receiving an information about files count in phone.
     Returns files count or -1 on error.
     lpstr disk_and_mask) - pointer to disk name and mask ("/c/*.mp3").

     Receiving an information about files count in phone.

     Returns files count or -1 on error.

File_List(ptr Buffer, word Count);
     Receiving a file list from phone. File_Count() function must be called directly before this function.

     ptr Buffer - pointer to a buffer for files list receiving
       files list is saved as:
       dd file size
       dw attribute 1
       dw attribute 2
       string of 1F8h length - file name.
       Record size per 1 file is 200h bytes
       Records count is equivalent to files count in phone (result of File_Count() function)
       According to this, size of buffer for files list must be File_Count*200h

     word Count - files count to read (result of File_Count() function)

     Returns a maximum length of file name for current phone model or -1 on error..

Seem_Read(word SeemNo, word RecordNo,word StartOffset,word Bytes, ptr Data);
     Reading of seem cell

     SeemNo - Seem cell number
     RecordNo - Seem record number
     StartOffset - Offset for seem reading from (0 - from cell beginning)
     Bytes - Bytes count for reading (0 - read from beginning to end)
     ptr Data - pointer to a buffer for receiving seem cell data
     If "Bytes" parameter not specified, then buffer length must be >= 2710h bytes

     Returns count of readed bytes or -1 on error.

Seem_Write(word SeemNo, word RecordNo, word StartOffset, word Bytes, ptr Data);
     Writing seem cell

     SeemNo - Seem cell number
     RecordNo - Seem record number
     StartOffset - Offset for seem writing from (0 - from cell beginning)
     Bytes - Bytes count for writing (0 - write from beginning to end)
     ptr Data - pointer to a buffer containing seem cell data for writing

     Returns 0 if writing was success or -1 on error.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 29 March 2007 )
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