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Most Wanted Second Edition 6FR
Sunday, 19 February 2006

SE=second edition with new drm, new LP & new font & edited some of the "bugs"!

Hi to all.....

Probably my last MP because some of you people doesn't respect my work saying bad words...You all should support moto makers because MP Makers are the one who  makes E398 still  in life... & you are disapointed  one hell of the good maker!  (some guys posted in most wanted mp some bad words.... message to them "when you will make something usefull? when you will make something to help motomodders comunity? why you don't make fullscreen? what are you people doing in motomodders your posts are useless, Please don't post in this tread!!! Go in Moto Production team & make f***** fullscreen  ) Nobody Pays me I have no connection to make MPs to people like you!! All my stuff is freeware & You should respect it!

The main thing why I will not make any more MP's it's because I don't have time anymore... I'm really busy with many stuff (I'm immortal useless people can't destroy me).... So if some new firmware is released & I had time maybe I make more MPs....

it's based on  6fr flash/flex
& on NFS MostWanted most popular racing game on the world

You will love this MP it's faster than BMW Lolz

Orginal  6fr moto stock Flex is heavy changed ...
Total Space 6000kb, free space 600kb!!!

-unhiden all hiden stuffs (enginering, airplane, voice rec.....)
-unbranded menu
-9icons menu (because nfs skin.. & it's cooler to change it to have 9icons....)
-removed crapp
-added new skins: nfs mostwanted, razrOS, moto symbian blue 1.2, new year use this to enable quad band
-added 30+pictures, 1 video, 20+ javas, 13mp3's...
-deleted websesions
Very very good FONT maded by sudadi... LP maded by myself!
-in audio player "Hide" button is working without bugs
-Video styles in Video recording are enabled
-new startup&down anim&sound... startup I recieved it from EXP a long time ago...
-motomixer isn't included because useless
-left smart key is asigned to iTunes... it can be changed in personalise/home screen

I Formated my 2x120GB  hehe
But I have problems with net framework I Think I will had to format C:/ again....

The major thing ... it's that this MP looks COOL & have great multimedia from MostWanted  & I Think other mp creators should make mp's like this... e.g.: Juventus MP ... mp for Juventus funs


Tasty Boy! 

Because Him I released Most Wanted SE

No more Flash Bug... FLASHING WORKING PERFECT!!!! I Tested 2 times with MFF (PST 7.2.3)!!!


Now I think this Monster Pack is almost Perfect!!!! (Last time when my real friends so such a good MP in their phones was with CyberDemon1.6, it's bad that rusher is sold his e398, but he is bought nokia )
Enjoy in it while you can ;)
It's kind a magic!

Last Updated ( Sunday, 14 May 2006 )
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