Phone Info as follow:- x Filename: UMF E398@Rokr v1.1.7z (Tools to extract 7z can be found in my Motorola Tools. Or use WinRAR)
x Firmware: R373_G_0E_30_6FR x Flex: UMF-GIKKLGO000AA0A3 DRM: PCMMod_E398_E1_v1.2
x Video: None (Add yourself) x video rec: 3gp (Theoritically unlimited, duration depends on spaces + buffer) [Increase your own by editing seem 004e_0001, but dont use p2ktool. USE XVID32.exe with pk2man or Motokit]
x Sound: 2 imy+16 mp3 cool UMF (provided by Expeditator) x Picture: 1 screensaver + 25 cool wallpapers (provided by JASON123)
x Video menus: full menu with timer/styles working, resolution, quality, etc. x Camera: with auto-timer
x Language Pack: Language Package 0024 (UK English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu) [Other LPs can be find in my site] -For accessing phone book problem for chinese language First use english language, and goto into phonebook > setup. Change SORT BY: SPEED NO. Your phonebook should be ok to use in Chinese now. Then change back to chinese, and goto phonebook > setup > SORT BY: NAME. Your phonebook now can search by name or speed no or chinese method. (Sorry, this is the only way to access back you phonebook if blocked)
x Network Band:- Quadband (850/1900 | 900/1800) Speed: Fast x Phone Space:- 1298KB (free)/ 4900KB
x mma-ucp:- (1)Phonebook (2)Recent Calls (3)Message (4)Webaccess (5)Games&App (6) Multimedia (7)Setting (8)OfficeTools (9)Connections (10)Ringstyles (11)Shortcut (12)Security (-IM and CHAT available)
x For 3x3 menu or less than 9 icons menu- (9)Connections (10)Ringstyles (11)Shortcut (12)Security will be in the (9) Extra menu
x SKINS: aV3Razr (RazrOS_v2.0 by BiTStReam 3x4 menu) Moto-Symbian Extrema (Heavily Modified by me - 4x3 menu) Mskinner_orange (Fearsim skin - Modified by me -3x4 menu) pMOTOab (3x4 menu)
x JAVA: Dictaphone 2.01, Opera Mini, Iphone Explorer 1c, Safe, WMedia Player (LP2.0), Piranha, ChessMaster, Midnight Pool, Student Calculator 1.5, Zuma, medieval combat, Might&Magic, Asphalt2, Beach Volley, FIFA 2006, Prince of Persia 4-TTH
x SHORTCUTS: (1)Bluetooth-FindMe (2) Off Bluetooth (3) Ring-Loud (4) Datebook (5) Calculator (6) Vibrate (7) Alarmclock (8) ShortCuts (9) Fav Skin x Recent Calls:- Will same number to different row. x Keypad Popping Sound:- Reduced to minimum. x Funlight: Come with camera flash enabled x Light during Charging:- Still on, but lengthen to blink once at every 15 sec x Calender: start from Sun to Sat. x Original Sound Player can hide now. x No Russian Branding on Menu x Option for sms to store in the SIM or Phone (Default: Phone) x Call Restriction enabled x Multiple line –enable (including ringtone/CLIP/barring/etc) x Resend on sms fixed x Java suspend/resume problem fix by 6FR x Removed EMP and MMS Template files
x Default Home Key (Changeable): UP-Calender / DOWN-Phonebook / LEFT-ITUNES / RIGHT-VideoCam / LEFTSOFTKEY-RecentCall / RIGHTSOFTKEY-Message
-TO ACTIVATE ITUNES - Please use TomeQ’s 0371 seem and instruction. IF you already with the Itunes activated running on E398 (R373…4XR), then no need to reactivate. -Music can be upload using Itunes 4.9 only or using Mototunes.
-Other DRM from I398/42R to 45R may have problem, not adviseable to use.
Known bugs:- -A funny sub menu item in Engineering Menu. It will change to one of the menu item but cannot use. Dun worry it is harmless.
Download "UMF_E398@Rokr_v1.1a MP"

-CREDITs/Contibutors: AxeD - the man doing all the flash/flex stuff Expediator (ExP) - came out with the idea, main contributors to lots of cool stuff Jason123 - another major contributor to the cool suff inside the pack Fearsim - the man behind all those wonderful skins People who helped us out Cristiano7 Shoey Larvs Rahimhd Team-Muz bobzilla RazerM
-CREDITs/Contibutors: - the man doing all the flash/flex stuff (ExP) - came out with the idea, main contributors to lots of cool stuff - another major contributor to the cool suff inside the pack - the man behind all those wonderful skins |