Sunday, 19 February 2006 |
M'JoY 6FR Monster Pack by pmichaelro aka M'JoY on ⎖/02/2006]
Firmware: R373_G_OE.30.6FR
Flex: M'JoY
Model: E1 iTunes
- Modified By pmichaelro aka M'JoY
- Fix for Phonebook Email added
- New DRM edited by pmichaelro aka M'JoY
- Startup and shut down annimations thanks to Cool_Boy
- I've modified the Gain Table from A to Z, hope u'll luv it
- No WebSession because every one has a different operator
- iTunes included + Audio-P for music
- Video Recorder Unlimited (Depending on the size of your TFlash)
- Tahoma Fonts style (based from DDs MP V.4.0)
- Unique Language Pack English + Romanian made By pmichaelro aka M'JoY
- Perfect Monster Pack for music, games & videos...and many others
- Quad-Band enabled
Language :
1. English
2. Romanian
Skins :
1. Moto-SE W800i Walkman
2. Moto-Symbian Blue
3. Moto-Symbian Red
Java Apps :
Audio-P (Thanks to Crash Overburn)
iPhone Manager
Mobile Mail (Gmail Email Manager)
Opera Mini Browser
Read Maniac
Students Calculator
and games...
Sounds :
50 Cent - Just a lil bit
David Guetta - Summer
Eminem - Mockingbird
Murphy Brown - Holly Axel F
Free Space : 2843 Kb
Used Space : 4642 Kb
Total Space : 7485 Kb
And a lot more things that u'll have 2 discover by yourself...
No Known Bugs !
Credits :
Only Me - pmichaelro aka M'JoY
And what i have 2 say 4 u all is to...ENJOY
I hope u'll gonna test this MP because i made it 2 be wonderfull...and that u'll post your opinion on my MP and work ;)
P.S. :
It's my first MP... :allred:
Luv 2 modd up my Moto...
Dig in, there're a lot more 2 find out
And i'm the one that isn't gonna' stop 
Last Updated ( Sunday, 14 May 2006 )