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Sunday, 19 February 2006

Hi brothers....
i don't know if my MP cool enough and suit your taste...
but here i am with the new babyVIPER-Xtreme "rockin the highschool"
there's nothing new about it
only a Monsterpack based on 70R, 45R and 46R

the features:
- fast & stable
- New DRM made by myself (including the sms animation)
- 4 new skins made by myself
- LP 0024 font by Sudadi (thanks prince of solo)
- Great bass sound (hacked gain table) but will not harm your speakers n' ears
- 23 java games & apps
- cool media ringtones & videos (some ringtones are not deletable
  please delete it from p2k)
- Cool startup & shutdown animation (rokrviper style... I miss u TomeQ)
- Web sessions are in Indonesian (if you can't edit please replace)

Skins: babyVIPER-X, babyMOTO, babyVALENTINE, babyPOP
babyVIPER skins

Free memory: 1159 kb
Used: 5015 kb
Total: 6174 kb
(i did set up to the systems... so if you want bigger total space
please set the attributes of the skins to none)

Lots of Java

Download the drm only here

Download the skinpack here

Download gaintable here

Download lower-bass gaintable here

Download the 45R version fullflash HERE
added new skin in 45R version... (based on E398mod skin)
all fixed bugs + all five skins + iTunes readable in iTunes 6 and also
a mix drm from my babyVIPER-Z plus the best gain table ever in my Cellphone

Added new skin in 45R version... (based on E398mod skin)
new E398mod skin

Download the 70R version fullflash HERE


- please do a safe modding
- backup b4 you flash
- i do not responsible for any dead phone or anything cause of it
- comments and critics are welcome (i'm open wide person)
  coz that built me to be like this
- do not tell me to upload it somewhere else.... i don't have much time
  to do it.. (please anyone of you would host the files... i would be thankfull)

Known Bugs:
its on the skins when playing iTunes in hide mode the screen will look
.... i don't know... like broken...  (hey i'm sorry i'm not a pro)

my Thanks to:
- my GOD who gave me live and the power to modd
- Crash Overburn my best modding friend ever.... also my admin
- Mas Sudadi (a low profile person from solo... you're cool master brother)
- TomeQ & BodyGuard my favourite... I miss you brothers, thanks 4 the knowledge
- Zra as always for becoming my first skinning teacher
- Fearsim for the cool iWhite icons
  (sorry for not having your permission first to include it on my skin)
- the Universal MP team
- Philippetrov for the new java
- Motorola Global @ members and moderator
- Motomodders Mafia & members.... (i can't be like this without you all)
- Forum Ponsel members....
- and all of you that help me until i become like this

I'm not a pro... Just want to share...
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 03 January 2007 )
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