Sunday, 14 May 2006 |
Name: ~New Mix Style~ Platform: 48R Memory: Total: 9216 kb Free: 400kb
Patches:Sending the following files over Bluetooth: txt, exe, rar, wav, zip, fpa, sis, ini, bin, 7z, dat, pat, tmp, pdf, doc, jar trough the video folder
Full access to file system patch!
Keyboard locking: lock: menu + green button delock: menu + red button
Need For Speed bootscreen!
New system sounds!
A lot of java apps!!!:
Skins 1)Nfs Most Wanted by Maxim done 4x4 2)Dj Moto by Maxim done 4x4 3)Fire Cube by Stalkera 4)Windows Vista 2 by Linerty 5)Moto Symbyan Renaisense. 6)MmodX 7)Ice momo

JBenchmark results: Image manipulation: 30 Text: 141 Sprytes: 69 3d Transform: 5 User interface: 57
Download HERE
Last Updated ( Sunday, 02 July 2006 )