Current Version: StarterXP i3.46R.p1 Update 05.07.2006 - patch 1 - To fix the bluetooth store bug please do seem 0032_0001 > offset AE > bit 2 > OFF Update 15.09.2006 - patch 2 - To increase the recieved and dialed calls limit do seem 0050_0001 and 0051_0001 offsets 8F and 93 both to value 32 (50 numbers). Thanks to Cool_Boy-PP!
Support forum available here Firmware: 46R Flex: StarterXP 3 What's new (compared to the old versions): 1. New Windows optimized LangPack (English and Russian only). 2. New GainTable - very smooth 3. Updated WindowsXP Olive - now the MP have two skins
 4. New iTunes - Vassio with IVLite and Address Book tools.
 5. New keytone system sounds performed by Saleiro and compilled by SharkExE. NO POPPING SOUND! 6. Voice shortcuts and DualBoot integrated. 7. DRM updates 8. New keymap: Smart Key is assigned as voice key and Camera Key can be managed like smart key 9. All known possible features of the firmware are enabled 10. New operator list - fixed some names of operators to not be uppercase and annoying 11. Working WVIM SPECIAL thanks to SHARKEXE - that monster pack was not going to be the same without his help! Big thanks to Saleiro too! How To Install: You can flash with MULTI FLASH FLEX or RSD LITE and you can flash over 42R / 43R / 44R / 45R / 46R / 48R / 6FR / 70R based engine ONLY! If you are on older firmware (1ER or stock 372) you need to flash this first
CHANGELOG: 15.September.2006: Patch 2 with the great discovery of Cool_Boy-PP 30.July.2006: Version i3.46R for ROKR with patch1 added by cokeman73 29.June.2006: Starter XP reached the new final i3.46 version. New skin, new gaintable, new iTunes, new syssounds, voice shortcuts, WVIM working and DRM updates. 06.May.2006: Update pack 2 is available - websessions and outbox>resend are fixed, new funlight.pat and gaintable, new operator list and dual bootloader fix are inside. 02.May.2006: Starter XP have new major release - i2.46R! The new features are listed above! 14.March.2006: Starter XP is going to integrate iTunes in the next releases. The grand change is that now itunes is working with 1000 songs limit (preety enough) and that skins are available. Also MotoTunes make it much easier to update the datbase. The new StarterXP i1.48 TE is available! 06.March.2006: Starter XP 1.48 Third Edition is available for download. The WindowsXP skin is remade and you will not have any problems installing other skins on the phone (even light skins). The DRM is updated again (new BT, Active line and SMS icons) and some patches are added - disabled check for signed corelets and all seems are unlocked. 28.February.2006: Ok theese days we made a big jam of new and new flashes. This one is flash and forget (I promise there will be no new soon until new FW comes). Forth MP in a row... I think I'd better check what's going with my life theese days. StarterXP 1.48 SE - what's new: 1. DSP 623BAB000 (in 1.48 it was older) - big thanks to BodyGuard for the navigation on how to patch it. 2. New DRM (mobile qq, gprs icon, active line icons (still work to do on them), video recorder and others changed) 3. Java over bluetooth set to the video folder (I found it better than the pictures folder) - that was not existing in 1.48 4. Skin should be fine now - only one little bug left which I cannot resolve yet (when home screen icons are permanently displayed the calculator is cutted by the hidden operator) 5. Lots of phone memory (as usual, but this time I did my record) 6. Active lines enabled (as requested) 7. Autoattach GPRS is set off by default (you can put on in Engineering > Phone capabilities) 8. New vibe files (by BodyGuard, also thanks to Budilaks). Vibe then ring now works PERFECT 9. Minor seem edit adjustments to fit your needs. 26.February.2006: version 1.48 is rolling! All things included from 1.46SE + Vibe then Ring is fixed + now we are on 48R engine. The only thing missing now is the java over bluetooth patch which is not yet released... Every day new version is a good tempo! 25.February.2006: version 1.46 SE released! Now Moto skin is removed from the menu (thanks to budilaks!) - you have more phone memory! Sim applications are finally back. WindowsXP skin am/pm clock bug fixed. 24.February.2006: version 1.46 released. Now it is 46R firmware, Dynamic Prompts disabled (menu is faster) and at the same time the langpack is fixed. Sim applications are back to the menu (you need to enable them with seem edit still). Very great sound caused by the 46R DSP! Vibe&Ring is back (thanks to budilaks). Mirror and Status Icons are removed (not working anyway). iPhone Explorer is version 1b that reads photos with large dimentions. Enjoy... 12.February.2006: version 1.45 SP1 is available. A lot of changes including: - phone is now compatible with master clear/reset. However NOT RECOMMENDED. Use such functions only as very last option - startup/shutdown sounds removed - ability to send java games/apps trough bluetooth (JAR needs to be stored to /c/mobile/picture/) - all seems unlocked - 0371_0001 seem writable - all java permissions available - drives fully visible with bluetooth device on PC - CoreLet signing verification disabled - ability to use picture from transflash in phonebook (browse trough pictures and apply as phonebook picture). - other minor improvements 04.February.2006: version 1.45-Final-refreshed is on. Call restriction is integrated. Some optimizations on the Java apps are done. No speed improvements 06.January.2006: version 1.45 FINAL released. Many bug fixes - all for good. I will not show any changelog - just go ahead and flash it - you will see! Flash and Forget! 03.January.2006: version 1.45-test released. Heavy optimizations on the file structure on a and c. Moto skin fixed (thanks to budilaks). Windows skin date and clock position and colors are fixed. JBenchmark shows 40 on first run and 41 on second run - if somebody is every interested from this software. 01.January.2006: Happy New Year & Starter XP 1.42 is now released. Outbox -> resend issue fixed and one MP3 song in Sounds (can be deleted). That's it! 31.December.2005: I am back to the 45R project. The menu is now heavy reorganized. Almoust everything possible that can be enabled is added in the menus. Very stable and very long battery life (you will feel it!). We are back to 3GP video. Hopefully after fixing the annoying resend bug in the Outbox that will be my final release! What can I say - if you like Windows based skin then just flash, forget and have a happy new year! 13.December.2005: version 1.32 released. Fixed error message showing on bootup. Menu reordered (for good). Unlock codes are now back to the standart codes (at last!) 12.December.2005: version 1.3 released. No MobileQQ, no AIm, no Chat, no IM, EMS removed, MMS templates and crap pictures removed. 8306 total memory! Now it is 6FR based with UNLIMITED VIDEO RECORDING (which can do up to 50min video by phone hardware limits). 06.December.2005: version 1.2 released. Fixed Airplane mode in Settings. Now Ring styles is in Multimedia and Voice Records outside (I got multiple requests). Mobile QQ, IM and Chat are removed from "Office Tools", because nobody uses them. MMS templates removed completely (useless). Quick Notes removed from Messages (useless - use drafts). 02.December.2005: version 1.1 bug fixes. All reported to date fixed 29.November.2005: version 1.0 much bugs reported. Working to fix
TO DO LIST (known issues): - SMS over GPRS is most probably not sending over GPRS. This needs more testing - Bluetooth store bug will be fixed in the next release
CREDITS: 1. Special thanks to budilaks for the help in fixing the skins 2. Special thanks to Volt for the help with fixing the langpack 3. Special thanks to all people that reported bugs 4. Special thanks to all people who are using this package 5. Biggest thanks to SharkExE for cooperating in every part of the package! 6. And super thanks to Saleiro for his sounds
Download the E398 version HERE Attention: Patch 1 is NOT implemented in the SHX flash file. Follow the steps at the top of the article to fix the BT store bug
Downlkoad the E1 ROKR version HERE Note: Patch 1 integrated. Thanks to cokeman73 |