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Revolution v4.0 + old versions
Saturday, 17 June 2006
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Revolution v4.0 + old versions
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'happy birthday' v4.0
Revolution celebrating 2Pac's birthday on: 06/16/2006 4:05AM

Ghetto Gospela
Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel)
I welcome with my hands
And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold
And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns

Why Should I continue reading next text?
well ... I puted my soul in this MP ... I'm making this almost 1 month.... I designed alot & I puted all my knowledge in it!!!
& if you maybe in some case for some reason didn't liked 2Pac.. & you think you don't like MP because it's all about 2pac... Don't worry it isn't all 2pac based on MP .. there is a lot of cool Multimedia & 2 skins that are not 2pac based ^^

2Pac Revolution v4.0

This time a lot of changes ... all is changed.. we have new good old 46R engine.. new 48R flex modded till max..& a lot of other interesting stuffs listed bellow

Motorola E398

- S/W : R373_G_0E.30.46R
- Flex: 2Pac Revolution (R373_G_0E.30.48R_GSKKLG0T675AU0A3_ROKR)
- DSP : 623BAB0
- Technology: Quand Band GSM

-battery life is optimised very good & it should last longer (depends on your hardware)

Video Camera
-camera quality is improved a little, also speed of camera

-I modded it till max it's very fast with all usefull futures activated

- Total Space: ~9.2MB, Used  Space: ~8.1MB, Free  Space: ~1.1MB

Language Pack:
-R373_Eng_Lithu_BrPort_Esp_Russ_Serb-By_Blink&BG (wonderfull font by BlinK_)

Vassio iTunes - with iTunes skin & media viewer skin designed by BodyGuard

Motorola E398

- No iShell
- New menu options "Update DB", "Settings" and "Change Skin"
- Start MediaViewer and File Manager from main menu
- Works without flash and sim card
- No song limits!
- Delete melodies with "*" in the main menu of iTunes
- Change skins from flash card
- sms alarm

Read itunes sms alarm instruction.txt for how to activate sms alarm..
If you don't like iTunes just delete it with Motomidman & use ROKR LightPlayer installed 

Smart key, Voice key, Voice Commands, Itunes Lights:
-Button at left side is set as Voice Key.. so you can use it for Voice Dial, Voice Recording & Voice Command
Make some schorcut .. go to tools/shorcuts/ edit that shorcut you will see new Voice Shorcut future... edit it .. than you can run voice comand pressing Menu + Voice key button
-Camera key at Right side is set to Smart key & as camera..
So when you are in iTunes Hide mode.. if you press camera.. you will get iTunes Light show
note* you can't edit smart key in settings/personalise/home screen/smart key/
... because it's set Like I told & it's working fine with iTunes lights..
-T-mobile button is set as iTunes (good for people who have that button)

2 boot loaders:
- First normal default boot loader "*"+"#"+"red button"
- Second special 07.D0 boot loader that can work even if battery is low you can run special boot loader holding 1sec. "RED Button" Than pressing "GREEN Button"
T.T. Technology
With changed font by BlinK_ & changed background image by Me
-New nice bootscreen based on MP by me

Startup&Shutdown anim&sound:
- well .. one of the best animations I done ^^

-BluePac DRM (based on SysMaster LightDrm.. edit & some redesign by me)


-2MJ (3x4 menu) By an unknown guy ^^
-2Pac_BG (1x1 special menu) by Me
-2Pac_Zra (special menu)    by Zra
-MacOSX_Tiger_Moto_Skin (3x4 menu) By P.Didde

-wallpapers (27wps & ems emoticons)
-Animation (1 anim.)
-sounds (15mp3s & 1 .midi)
-videos (1 cool video)

Games & Applications:
-A lot of good freeware applications... 15 most usefull apps
-There is no games
-All good games are warez... so if you want warez in your phone find it in some other place..

-BodyGuard 4XR Sound v1.1

new future:
-Funlight with "Groove" light as real Flashlight...
-now you can Volume Up/down videos/sounds in multimeda.. without Entering Files..
so just go to e.g. Multimedia/sounds/ don't enter files & try to volume up/down..
- you can change sim cards without loosing messages on phone
-offline ISP settings are added to IM.. so it depends from your network .. maybe you can now make work on your phone IM, ICQ, yahoo msn.. etc but you must experiment alone & put that futures in menu...
-wap is working perfectly
-voice shorcuts
-The most of Bugs from v3.0 are fixed in v4.0 !!!

& a lot lot more cool stuffs that you can see when you flash this masterpiece ^^

-rokr MP will be optimised for ROKR & when you flash it your phone name will not  be "E398" it will be "E1 iTunes" like normal
-it will be 46R without dualboot & without bootscreen
-all others is same in e398 & in ROKR MP..

-whatch what are you flashing .. download E398 MP for flashing E398 phone... download ROKR MP for flashing ROKR Phone... Don't make mistake ^^
-I Flashed successfully with MFF.. I recomend it with MFF ..
but it shouldn't be problem with RSD LIte & Flashbackup

Known Bug's so far:
- You don't wanna do Master Clear or Master Reset Trust me!!! :>

*HEEEEEEELP My ringtones doesn't working... I can't put mp3's as ringtone... what should I do ??
-you need to delete 2 *.DB files located in a/mobile/audio/ & restart your phone
or do it using p2ktools & press FIX MELODY DB ... or with p2kadvanced editor ...

*Help My iTunes doesn't working .. where are my songs?
-you screwed up your iTunesDB ..
now iTunes reading songs from B/mobile/audio/ ...
if you want to synchro with iTunes PC..
you need to delete your iTunes folder from trans-flash .. /b/iTunes/
than you can start all over again...

*I can only enter numbers in GPRS APN.. why?
-GPRS APN bug is caused because DRM..
you can solve it:
a) flashing new DRM
b) enter manualy GPRS APN with p2ktools or p2kadvanced editor
c) restore your web sessions
IF you have GPRS apn bug than your wap is gonna work perfectly...
if you don't have GPRS apn bug.. than on some phones wap will not work


-SysMaster     (Funlight & leting me use his DRM as a base.. & many others stuffs TNX BRO!)
-BlinK_        (LP font, & dualboot font... tnx man a lot! )
-ZRA           (wonderfull 2Pac_Zra skin... man you are awesome..your design rocks!)
-Wabi          (for leting me to use his VN W398 skin as a base for 2Pac_BG nice skin)
-PDidde        (for MacOSX_Tiger_Moto_Skin)
-some guy      (for "MJ" skin .. tnx unknown guy sorry I don't know your name ^^)
-Lucazz        (for alot of nice wallpapers tnx man again for helping)
-Enemia Design [Albalach Almog] (for some very nice designed wallpapers)
-girithaara    (for an fantastic hand-made wp)
-CokeMan       (for final testing both E398 & ROKR & reuploading both on 2 hosts.. thank you a lot my friend, really!!!)

& all crew from momo, hofo, motofan, supertrub. sity... & other great comunities
& all other who in some way helped to creation of this amazing MP
sorry If I missed someboy ^^

-v3.0 was 7x Platinum on rapidshare.. it was downloaded more than 7000 times only from rapidshare both from ROKR & E398..
so if you didn't tried v3.0 you MUST try v4.0
-enjoy in MP cause next mp will not be so soon cause I will not have so much time & I must relax.. a lot
-This MP is dedicated to greatest Raper ever  Tupac Shakur! Happy Birthday Where ever you are!

& finaly LINKS ^^

Download HERE E398 version

or ROKR E1 version

By BodyGuard 



Last Updated ( Thursday, 05 April 2007 )
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