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ReBorn Punisher 70R
Saturday, 11 March 2006

Release label R373_G_0E.30.70R
Flex number Brave_Punisher - GIKKLGO000AA0A3
Platform Major version: 0E Minor version: 30
DSP ROM version number: 62 patch version number: 40 RAM version number: A0
Language Package ID 002E English-Indonesia

Download HERE


DRM Modified From CooLDRM_mcLexxEdT_MIX3 DRM New 3D icon on iTunes, Video Record, USB     Icon Batery and Signal

Skins 2 New Skin and E398mod (70R=Comic-Punisher&Comic Wolverine, 48R=Comic-Punisher&E398mod) +Comic-Punisher Black Skin, Full 3D Icon, Smooth and Simple, 3x4


 +Comic-Wolverine Black, orange, Yellow, 12 Big Icon comic edited by malia, 3D icon, Skins based repaired by sysmaster (thanx man...!), 1x1

SplashScreen + BootScreen

+ Java Splash Screen

Java Applications
+ iPhone exploler, 640x480 picture view
+ JBenchmark
+ Dictaphone
+ Opera Mini Advance
+ Mobile Mail
+ Qur'an Reader Basic Arabic
+ ROKR MP3 Player
+ eMSN
+ Students Calculator
+ Safe
+ iTunes Limited to 1000 Songs

JBenchmark Score (after idle about 15 minute) + Average 38-39 (70R)

+ CrashNotBurn
+ Lightning
+ Moonlight Wolve,
+ NaturalByMalia_01
+ NaturalByMalia_02
+ NaturalByMalia_03
+ Passenger
+ PCStart
+ TotallyDead
+ Vodoo
+ War Operator

Startup&Shutdown Animation + Taken From Intro Game XBOX The Punisher

+ Taken From DVD Movie Trailer The PUnisher

Phone Memory 70R
+ Total : 6529 Kb
+ Used Space : 4962 Kb
+ Free : 1566 Kb 
+ It was totally safe To MASTER CLEAR Or MASTER RESET, will never lost default content, skins. broken mma_ucp and another... But even it's safe, WE DO NOT RECOMMENDED to that MC/MR, except that the final way...
+ I've not RESPONSIBLE to what will happen if this MP will KILL your Phone..., but 4 information, there's three E398 phone as Beta Tester... Have a nice try...and enjoy it...!!!

Last Updated ( Sunday, 14 May 2006 )
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